
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Link Party - Brrrr! It's Cold!

Time to put on another link party.  For those of you who are new around here,  Tools Are For Women Too has a link party of one shape or another going on 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.  So anytime you feel like promoting your online store or blog, you can do it here. 

My apologies for not writing more feature posts lately.  It has been sort of a challenge with the the recent weather we have had.  I have been spending most of my time doing things like shoveling the driveway, scraping windshields, cutting up firewood, and stoking the fireplace.  To my dismay I didn't even get the enjoyment of building my snowman this year.  The snowstorm was followed by an ice storm and things just did not work out.  I would to see however pics of snowmen, snow sculptures, and the like from around your neck of the woods.  Feel free to post a few in this week's party.

Here are this week's party rules......

1.)  Please become a follower if you are not one already.

2.)  Please advertise the party somehow.  Lately Facebooking it seems to be a nice way of doing it.  You could also grab one of our fabulous buttons, write a post about it, or Oprah, if you are reading this, feel free to mention it on your show.

3.)  Please visit some of the other links.  I guarantee that by visiting other links and leaving some nice comments, it will greatly increase the amount of traffic into your site.  It works every single time.  The more you visit, the more traffic you will get in return.

4.)  There are no limits on the number of links you can post, as usual.  Post buttons, tutorial links, Etsy store items, snowmen, or that picture of your cousin that is periodically mistaken for  Bigfoot.

5.)  Have fun.  It's a rule.

Would you like to write a few posts for TAFWT?  Email me.


  1. I linked up! YAY! Thanks again ;)

    Deb @ DejaRenew.

  2. Thanks for hosting! And thanks for letting us link more than 1 project. I put up a post about our snow day today.

  3. Send some cold our way! I miss it! Thanks for hosting Rory! :)

  4. Thank you Rory. Just rain in San Francisco, but it has been cold for us too. The rain actually warms things up.

  5. Thank you very much! I tweeted, posted it on facebook and I have a link back on my blog's sidebar ...have a wonderful weekend :-)


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