
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Another Link Party and A Question For All Of You

Thank you all for joining in the parties on Mondays and Thursdays.  I love seeing all the projects and links.  Today's party is another one of those "anything goes" soirees, but before I start the party I wanted to make a little announcement....
Along with continuing the parties, Tools Are for Women Too will be doing some more product reviews.  The reviews will not be limited to the kinds of tools that create sawdust, although there will be some of those.  Products might include tools for the kitchen, jewelry making supplies, and things for scrappers, quilters, and doll makers.

Tools Are For Women Too will also be using our own special rating system.  Stay tuned for what we are using.  It is kind of fun.

So now that I have told you about the Tool Team plans for doing reviews, I have a couple questions......

1.)  Are there any specific products that you would like to see reviewed?  Let us know and we will try to look into it for you.

2.)  Are you the kind of blogger that would like to write product reviews and be a part of our team?  Email me at if you would like more information.

That's all I have in the way of announcements.  Now let's get on with the party.

Here are this week's rules.....

1.)  Post as many thumbnails as your heart desires. 

2.)  Become a follower if you aren't one already.

3.)  Everyone is welcome, including sellers and non-sellers.  The more, the merrier.

4.)  You can post pretty much whatever you want.  Blog buttons, projects, tutorial links, store items, and pictures of you in your prom dress are all good.  Let's see 'em!

5.  As always, have fun.  It's a rule.

Does you or your company have a product that you need reviewed?  Just email me for details.


We love hearing from you. Please leave a comment and feel free to tell us a little about you.