
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Link Party Time And Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope all of your are having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.  I am publishing the party a little early in an effort to spend less time on the computer and  more time stuffing myself with turkey, watching the parade, and sharing some time with family.  I also fully intend on falling asleep on the couch while watching a football game.  So, if your comments don't get published right away please forgive me.  I am probably snoring away and dreaming of pumpkin pie, with a fire in the fireplace. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

Here are this week's party rules.........

1.)  There a lot of bloggers out there who really do some wonderful things for others.  If you know of a blogger like that, let them know how much you appreciate them, thank them, and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving.  Let them know how special they are.

2.)  That's it this week.  No other rules apply.

If you are traveling this weekend, please be careful.  I want everyone to return home safe and sound.


We love hearing from you. Please leave a comment and feel free to tell us a little about you.