
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Link Party Time!

Here are the rules for this weeks party.......

1.)  Have as much fun as possible.

2.)  Visit a couple of the other participants sites.

3.)  Become a follower if you are not one already.  

4.)  Post as many links as you want.  Blog buttons, Etsy Store Items, Tutorial Links, and that picture of your son or daughter on Santa's lap are perfectly acceptable.  I am still waiting to see the first picture this year of a pet with reindeer ears on, so let's get with it!  Link, link, link!

The Tools Team is growing.  If you would like to be a part of the fun around here, just email me.


  1. Thank you for another terrific link party :-) Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks for hosting the party today!

  3. I can't believe I haven't been a 'follower'! I just realized that I had been remiss in this. (Nice rhyme, eh?) Thanks for another party!

  4. Thanks for being such a great host, your efforts are greatly appreciated:)

  5. Thanks for hosting this blog party. See your email, just send you a message. thanks, Laurie

  6. Thanks for hosting the party - new follower!


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