Ok, here is something I know a lot of you have been searching and waiting for. It is called a Link Party Directory. It will be located in the Tools Are For Women Too! navigation bar, directly underneath the blog header. Now you will have a central place where you can easily find parties to link up to. There will be no more searching for who is throwing what and when.
I am just now in the developing stages of this feature, but I wanted to give everyone a heads up on it. If your blog holds a weekly link party, I would love to add yours to my directory. All I ask is that you link up to my link party as well, called Modern Craftswoman Monday.
More details about my link party will be coming soon, so stay tuned. I should also have the Link Party Directory in full swing in a few days, so be sure and periodically check back. If you attend a fantastic weekly link party that you feel should be on the list, be sure to let me know.
great idea!!
i have a question for you too, i was working outside and thought of asking you. we have a firepit and put two wooden benches. what can we do to protect them from this sun- livin in the desert it is very hard to keep them looking nice. thanks jjkjchandler@live.com
Hi, You can find a list of blog parties on my blog at: http://robertapm28.blogspot.com/search/label/Helpful%20HInts
I had trouble with the list configuration on blogger so they don't have links but it does list quite a few blog parties that are out there.
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